Friday, December 9, 2011

It's December! Time to shop.

             So Kym and I have seemed to find a routine. I work 48 hours on duty and then 96 hours off. So the week after infusion, on my 4-day off of work I try to take Kym somewhere fun. She typically does not feel well enough to travel right after infusion, and this usually lasts about a week. I can only imagine how hanging around our house all the time must get old. So last week we decided to drive over to S.F. for a couple of days. We wanted to check out the X-mas lights and get some shopping done and eat at one of our favorite restaurants. We even had a game plan to make multiple stops at the hotel for Kym to rest. She seems to get tired pretty quick.
            We tried a new spot (for us) to eat the first night. Flour and Water, what an amazing eatery. Truely the best meal I have ever had. The next day was to be for X-mas shopping but I had a different idea. Kym has been wanting to go to the new Athleta store since it opened. So we went, and we kicked ass. I told Kym Merry Christmas because her present was this shopping spree, so go nuts. Boy did she ever, after a couple of hours she was well stocked in fashonable lounge and yoga wear. I'm sure she will win best dressed at the Cancer center. All sorts of warm hats and comfy clothes were bought.
            Later that night we met up with our friends Steve and Lisa from Oakland and took them to Nob Hill Cafe for dinner. Kym will be in their wedding in Feb. The next day before coming home we swung by our favorite pub in the city to see a good friend, Deirdre. And found out totally randomly that the Pub, O'Reillys uses Leukemia and Lymphoma society as their charity of choice when they do fundraisers, like Oysterfest. Which you should go to by the way.
                                                     Us in front of the big tree in Union Square and Kym at infusion 7.
            A couple of days later Kym had infusion again. This was the day we officially made it over half way. This was number 7 out of 12 chemo infusions. So that felt good. Kym even rocked some of her new gear. That was two days ago, and as I write this we are still in bed having a slow day. Kym is not feeling so good, so we will spend this day catching up on Tivo and movies.
            I work this weekend, and then our next 4-day together. Who knows, maybe the cabin. Dave and Lori have been great about letting us use it a lot. It really helps Kym relax, more now that the snow has started to accumulate. I will post again before X-mas, so until then... Happy Shopping. And remember to take it easy and not get all agro, its Christmas



  1. So glad you have all this time together. We are looking forward to seeing you both again soon. Means so much to us. Merry Christmas. We love you both and pray for you each day.

  2. You two are lucky to have each other. Love you both sooooo much!

  3. Love and prayers daily! You guys are such troopers, Kym especially! Love the new cap! :) Rock your comfy wear like nobody else every has! :) Hope to talk to you guys soon! :)
