Hello all,
Today Kym completed Chemo infusion #11 of 12. We are getting really close to being what we hope will be the end of Kym's treatments for Hodgkins. It can't come any sooner as far as I'm concerned. The infusion's have been really hard on Kym the farther we get into this.
We found out at Kym's appt with her Oncologist, Dr. Pai, that her neutafil(sp?) numbers are really low. The infusion before we were excited by how high they were, over a 1000. Now they are around 200. Anything below 500 is supposed to be risky. This makes her more prone to getting sick because her body would have a hard time fighting off the germs. The Doctor told us if she gets a fever over 100.5 that we have to go straight to the E.R., no questions asked. That sucks, but we will continue to keep the house sanitized and do our best to keep her healthy.
Since all this started I have been constantly impressed by all of our family, friends and workmates. You all have been so supportive, that even as I sit here typing this I tear up a little. The food, prayers and kind words that Kym sees on facebook help more than you will ever know.
As we get closer to hopefully being done with all the treatments I am thankful that we caught Kym's cancer early enough to have a fighting chance. I just want to remind everybody to not put off your health appointments, you have to be proactive to be healthy. Even though we have learned a lot about ourselves through this ordeal, I would have preferred to not have it happen in the first place. There are few things worse than watching the one you love in constant pain knowing you can do nothing to make it go away. It humbles me knowing how bad she has felt and how many times she has "manned" up and went on with her day with very little complaint. She is a fighter and a rockstar rolled into one. Hopefully a month from now the pain will be behind her. Forever